Thursday, November 02, 2006

Policeman's Ball

Sarah Silverman made an appearence at the Amnesty International Secret Policeman's Ball which was aired on the 31st October on channel 4 in the UK. It is unknown if it will be repeated or aired in the USA but she does perform some new material as well as the classics although the audience genuinely believed that she was dedicating her performance to her Nana and started applauding? She briefly appears on the the Channel 4 Amnesty site saying her favorite dictator was Hitler.


Jim said...

I'm still shocked that you/she recieved such a cool recieption... but their bemusement added to it for me..!

Anonymous said...

I saw this and loved it! I especially liked the joke about needing some good news so "went for an aids test". I did cringe at bits thow. the crowd seemed to not know what had hit them