Sunday, February 18, 2007

Now Available: Cookie Party Shirt!

I've gotten several emails requesting if there is a Cookie Party Shirt available. Well, I'm now happy to say that there is thanks to!

Check it out and buy one today!


Unknown said...

The shirt would be perfect if the Cookie Party! logo were as big as on the show. It's too small.

Otherwise, very cool.

Anonymous said...

This image is somewhat misleading . . . I ordered one of these for my wife and the graphic on the shirt seems much bigger. She loves it and I ordered a "3way" shirt from the same place.

Anonymous said...

Finally! Wow this is so cool. I've been waiting for the Cookie Party shirts. I tried to make one a while ago, but it really didn't work out. You know what else would be really great, though? Cookie Party sweatshirts. For the winter. Anyway, props to you.